Christian Schoeler
1978 born in Hagen, Germany
Died 2015 in Cologne
2000-2003 Studies in Philosophy and History of Art at the University of Essen
2003-2007 Studies at the Munich Academy Of Fine Arts with Prof. Günther Förg
Selected Solo Exhibitions
2012 We Have Group Crying Sessions With Ice Cream, Galerie Urs Meile, Lucerne, Switzerland
2011 Pussy, King of the Pirates, Galerie Urs Meile, Beijing, China
2010 Adam Likes Apples, Schuebbe Projects, Düsseldorf, Germany
2009 Si le grain ne meurt, Don’t Projects, Paris, France
Christian Schoeler, presented by AnOtherMan Magazine, London, UK
2008 Studies For A Boy Book, Schuebbe Projects, Düsseldorf, Germany
2007 Kalte Sterne, Open Studios Ehrengutstraße, Munich, Germany
2006 Mein Tod in Swan Lake City, with Mélina Avouac, Akademiegalerie, Munich, Germany
Selected Group Exhibitions
2013 TRUTH, EL Segundo Museum of Art, Los Angeles, USA
(with Diego Rivera, Stefan Balkenhol, Albrecht Dürer, George Grosz, Martin Kippenberger, PabloPicasso et al.)
2012 Collector’s Items No.4: Reconnaissance, Testbed1, London, UK (with Ryan McGinley, Muntean & Rosenblum, Erwin Olaf, Levi van Veluw et al.)
For Personal Use, The Impossible Project Space, New York, USA
2011 Portraits of Ambiguity, Ana Cristea Gallery, New York, USA (with Razvan Boar, Alexander Tinei, George Young)
Apopcalypse Now, Nieuw Dakota, Amsterdam, Netherlands (with Hernan Bas, Tim Eitel, Thomas Hirschhorn, Elizabeth Peyton, Billy Sullivan et al.)
2010 Summer 2010, Weinstein Gallery, Minneapolis, USA (with Robert Mapplethorpe, Man Ray, Joseph Beuys, Richard Hamilton, August Sander et al.)
FATHER, Mendes Wood, Sao Paulo, Brazil (with Bruce LaBruce, Dean Sameshima, Hernan Bas, Terence Koh, et al.)
High Drama: Works from the Collection of Hugo & Carla Brown, NL – The Dutch Cultural Pop-Up Space, London, UK (with Hernan Bas, Martin Eder, Anthony Goicolea, Hans Op de Beeck,
2009 Boy Oh Boy, Frederic Snitzer Gallery, Miami, USA (with Hernan Bas, Paul P., Jonathan Meese, Dash Snow, et al.) Art Fair – Art from Art Fairs, Aura Gallery Beijing, China (with Matthew Barney, Kasuhiro Ito, Masashi Hattori, et al.)
The Franks-Suss Collection, Phillips de Pury & Company at The Saatchi Gallery, London, UK
Le souci de soi, Don’t Projects, Paris, France (with Rainer Fetting, Spencer Sweeney, Benjamin A. Huseby, Cecile B. Evans, Mélina Avouac)
Works from the Franks-Suss Collection, London, UK (with Daniel Arsham, Hernan Bas, Frank Nitsche, Michael Sailstorfer, Michael Vasquez, Zeng Fanzhi, et al.)
Esquire’s Singular Suit, Somerset House, London, UK (with Antony Gormly, Terence Koh, Spencer Tunick, Jeremy Deller, et al.)
The Blueberry Show, Terri & Donna, Miami, USA (with Lee Anderson, Will Graper, Nic Xedro)
2008 Auf der Suche nach ..., Galerie Carla Stützer, Cologne, Germany (with Joseph Beuys, Katharina Sieverding, Walter Dahn)